Thursday, February 6, 2020

philosophise shulman logograms

Sandy's Suggested Reading

                 NOT required reading, there will be no test BUT discuss if you will...

Study Suggests Creative People Are Kinda Psycho

                  As my dad would have said, "Put that in your pipe and smoke it."

These links came from my favorite art news source, Hyperallergic.  Make it yours too.  

Time fo the levity of a squirrel:
Hmmm.  Perhaps a Psycoopathic Personality, but I am not a qualified diagnostician.

Spent another half day in the studio yesterday, so frustrating to be called home to deal with the guys there to fix the screens!  They were due at 2 but showed up at noon, worked long enough to get their ladders and equipment all over the yard, then said they 'needed a part' and would 'be back soon'.  So I sat throwing the faux fox toy for Ollie for an hour and fuming away at work that was interrupted back at the studio.  But they did come back, the screens again roll up and down and they gave me a lecture about how to make sure I don't roll up any toads in the mesh.  And oh yeah, move my orchids so they don't get caught either.  More homework, the day was shot and I had to wash my hair for the party last night.  Today is cluttered up with Ollies first training with the military police (we found a one-on-one trainer who deals with Belgian Malinois- the dogs that climb vertical walls in Afghanistan- and will take him on).  Then I have a pre-op appointment for his snip-snip.  And another day shot to hell.  Will get home in time to find an appropriate frock and head out to a restaurant with friends.  

Which leads me to the subject of off-site studios.  I would love to be back in a studio in my house again.  I did that for many years wherever we lived simply by declaring an extra room 'the studio'.  The great part was I could be cooking a stew while printing fabric, or sew on a binding while waiting for the dishwasher repair.  I didn't get a real-off-site studio until we were firmly residences here in Florida and our house was very small.  
My work space was the second bedroom which I had to completely disassemble if anybody came to visit.  And like I said, Florida...LOTS of visitors!  Sometimes barely enough to time to change sheets between the groups!  I whined, two of my friends listened one time too often and gave me the come-to-jesus talk about shutting up and finding a studio out of my house.  And I did!  This was about ten years ago and I loved it, loved having my own space I didn't have to keep tidy or pack up continually.  It worked fine UNTIL I was suddenly married to a retiree, we built a bigger house to accommodate yet MORE visitors and became a grandma four times over.  So, again there isn't room to move the studio back home.  My suggestions of taking over the garage were met with distain, and so I sit 2 miles down the street from home with all my stuff. And with 'stuff' at home that needs dealing with too.  

My daughter would say 'First World Problem'.  Sigh.

Drinking Straw Ahhhh Lesson

LINX is a simple construction toy consisting of modular connectors that work with ordinary drinking straws. LINX creator Patrick Martinez is raising funds for the project on Kickstarter.
  • LINX were created because I wanted a construction game that was cheap, flexible and light. With LINX you can build everything from ambitious room-sized structures to intricate table-top sculptures, all using LINX connectors and standard drinking straws.
South Korean fisherman Imaginative Guy shared how to create realistic fishing lures made out of flexible plastic drinking straws. Using timelapse and wide-angle photography, he showcased his scissor-cutting ability in making a delicate green grasshopper and a translucent shrimp with colorful wool decorations. grasshopper fishing bait made by hand with a straw …This guy makes shrimp with a drink straw and catches cuttlefish with the shrimp. 

a tutorial on Instructables on how to make Jell-O worms using bendy drinking straws and raspberry flavored Jell-O. The results are great but be sure to read the tutorial’s comments section for tips on how to make the process go more smoothly.

London Underground map made of straws

STROODLES-  biodegradable straws made of pasta

OK, Outta here!  Carry on and stay in touch!


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