Sunday, April 19, 2020

muggings ultrastructure muscles

“Collect items you fancy and for different reasons attract your attention.  Remember also to collect and study things that seem for the moment to be meaningless or irrelevant.”  -Maja Ratke

No, not dead, just has his head up his ass, not unlike your lazy blogger.  

I have spent the morning trying to print off some raccoon pictures, but have wasted half my new TAP paper and a yard of fabric.  For some reason when I try to print black it blots out on the print.  I've tried all three cartridges of black and every single setting possible from every image program I have and I am getting frustrated.  This all started when I decided to add a couple of raccoons to the raccoon quilt, needless to say there are not any bolts of raccoon fabric out there with the correct scale so I did like I have always done, printed my own.  But the MUSE is apparently wearing her Covid mask too tight and can't see over the top of it. Dammit.

And yeah, I have made a bunch of the masks but nobody wants them,I cannot imagine why-  but it looks like we will be wearing them for months now.  It's a 'look', but the weird thing is that wearing them you cannot tell when the grocery checkout woman is smiling or grumpy.  You cannot even recognize acquaintances to wave at.  Basically they suck and we have to get over wearing them sooner.  Or possibly just go with the Bandito bandana.


I know I need a haircut, no need to comment on that.  Think 'Crusty the Clown'.

These things work fine at Publix, the only time I wear them.  Fortunately I live in a community with public distancing so I can actually breathe air when I walk.    But some day I may drop dead from no oxygen at Publix, stay tuned.  Toilet paper and eggs won't be my problem any longer.

No plans to go back to MA for at least another 2 months or so.  The building manager up there has told us that there is a mouse infestation on our floor, So much fun to go back to that.  Last time it was two leaks in the ceiling from the unit above us and when it was repaired the new ceiling paint is a completely different color-  so homey.  So nice to come home to.  Today I am leaving the studio not just out of frustration at the printer, but to meet our friend's new puppy.  Their first dog is lovely, hope this one follows suite.   

                                                                But, sew what?  Want a mask?     Sandy

1 comment:

  1. I love the quote you have about allowing yourself to be a beginner. I have to remind myself of that so much!
