Chris Ofili left Britain for Trinidad in 2005. But in the years leading up to the move, he unknowingly developed a strict working routine. “I never realized I was so set in my ways until now,” he told a New York Times reporter after describing his process. “But I guess I have tons of rules.”
His London studio was divided between a “center stage,” where he tackled his large, collaged oil paintings, and a separate corner for watercolors and drawings. Ofili, who arrived each morning between 9 and 10 a.m., began his day in that corner space. After tearing up a large sheet of paper into eight equal pieces, he would loosen up by making abstract marks with his pencil. Then, he would move on to watercolor, painting a different African person’s head on each sheet (the artist refers to these works as his “Afro-Muses”). Each piece took between 5 and 15 minutes. Some days, he completed just one; on others, he finished as many as 10. Eventually, these watercolors—181 of them, made over a decade—became the basis of an exhibition at the Studio Museum in Harlem.
Nothing like a little kick-starter!
Getting by with a little help from my friends, the obligatory Squirrel Starter. And away we go-
Throwing Caution to the Wind!
That color on the brick is this week's FAVE color forever. tomorrow I might bend it a bit to rust. Stay tuned. Oh, never mind- it probably won't be tomorrow, the rate I'm going, next post will be Christmas.
I've bought a couple more counter stools for the studio since we are having a pod meeting there in a few weeks- I ordered two nice ones to use at home and will take the cheesy metal ones in to use in the studio, plus I bought 2 more at target with cushy tops so will keep those too. Now I have 8 stools and 4 chairs so hopefully that's enough and another hopefully will be that we find another place for permanent meetings because I am a crappy housekeeper and do not want to have to clean very frequently. We'll see who turns up and make the announcement the you have to join SAQA to be included- that will clear the chairs quickly- so far not too many real artists are prospects but I'm holding out hope.
My recent weight loss is catching up with me and the carb cravings are overwhelming it seems. A few pounds have found their way back around my middle, AND WORSE, I had to send a pair of pants back that I had ordered previously. So, please don't offer me a bite of anything. Thankfully I am not doing Thanksgiving this year so this week isn't full of cooking/tasting/nibbling/and making pies...
OK, back to the problems at hand- yup, producing quilts! I am still stunted at the machine quilting I must do on the giant 'What I Shoulda Said' quilt. I need to change the bobbin first and it seems that the idea of it has me paralyzed. Also there is a wee problem that I don't know what to DO on it- the front is bizzy from all the different fabrics so I am not about feathers and wreathes. I guess what I will do is some diagonal lines in the opposite direction of the diagonal pattern across the front. I won't do the cute 1/4" thing, probably more like an inch and a half or 2 inches. The outside edge is dictated by the diagonals too, and it's completely zigzagged so binding will also be an issue- gotta finish this up and move on to the shark quilt asap.
Yesterday I modified a bathing suit that I had ingrown (as opposed to OUTgrown) and the only way I could manage it was by taking up the crotch 2". That seemed to work just fine so I did it to anther older suit I always liked but legs are cut too high. That worked too AND it has a matching coverup so can take it with me on the trip. Also fixed a sleeve that had come undone so I can wear that now. And the pants that fit finally arrived and I had to cut 6" off the bottom plus turn the hem up another 3" to topstitch. Damn, I can practically make a quilt out of what I cut off from these pants. Also lined a giant basket purse with a drawstring and top so I can use it as a purse sometimes. Had to do that by hand, so hurried too much and now I would love to take it out and redo. In the meantime I ended up with another purse with a lightweight cotton drawstring lining and I love the purse, hate the lining so will redo that one too. Why isn't anything OK the way I buy it?
Our plans for Thanksgiving is to go to a friend's house and I don't even have to take a pie or anything- but I will. I miss my cranberry sauce so will do that and a little something else for appetizers. And last night we got invited to another dinner, so I upped them and invited them all to Christmas. Might beat the bushes for a few more people and perhaps take them up on offers to 'bring something. My standard Xmas fare:
And that reminds me of this picture of the feral turkeys of Cambridge (or perhaps Brookline) taken yesterday morning. My daughter sent it- the Marx Brothers of Turkeydom:
Gotta get going- have to get to vacuum repair place, bank, studio, and home again. Will she make it? Doubtful.
My thanksgiving gift to you