Saturday, December 21, 2019

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A little dose of reality from Leonard Cohen, one of my bigger heroes. A good way to start the weekend.


Hesse writes:
'You must unlearn the habit of being someone else or nothing at all, of imitating the voices of others and mistaking the faces of others for your own.'

Love old Victorian Christmas cards, wish I could find boxes of them and perhaps I would send cards again. Well, probably not.

This Iis definitely in the 'WHEN PIGS FLY' area, but worth a try: I've spent the morning looking for inexpensive ways of building a hot box for encaustics but to no avail. I just don't want to invest in any more art equipment that will be used minimally, so I will continue the search and perhaps find something used or out of popular use, make do! SO, if you know of an unwanted hot box, I'm you're gal.

In other internet searching, I found these shoes, or rather just a small picture of them in an ad, so off I went searching Google images until I found them- I need these, plus being in Palm Beach, they are perfect year round shoes, doncha think? Took some time but I found them, and they had them in my size so I punched the 'Add to Cart' button wondering why they were only $35. Well the checkout happened and good thing I looked before hitting PayPal- they were $635. Needless to say, that's a no-go. But Wow, I love these. Couldn't touch them even at a half off sale. Sad.

And that's the end of today's retail therapy, sure saved some money so far.

And finally, for that last minute Christmas present ---

Badass Women of Science, T-Shirts Featuring Female Mathematicians, Scientists, and Programmers

O Happy Day! Sandy

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