Saturday, December 21, 2019

spadices replevin republicanises

Ahh, those were the days before abduction was invented.
Like it says, A Happy Christmas!

A little art lesson:
       Louise Bourgeois was “very habitual,” according to her longtime assistant Jerry Gorovoy. Each morning, the artist woke up and drank a cup of tea “with some jelly straight out of the jar,” Gorovoy recalled. Afterwards, he explained, “she’d have a bit of a sugar high and be ready to roll.” Gorovoy picked her up from her Chelsea row house at 10 a.m., and together, the pair would drive to her Brooklyn studio, a former bluejeans factory (it was later torn down to make room for the Barclays Center). This routine was so entrenched that Bourgeois created an artwork entitled 10 am is When You Come to Me (2006), featuring tracings of her and Gorovoy’s hands.
Bourgeois demanded silence and solitude in her studio. “The least noise would upset her,” Gorovoy noted. The artist generally spent the morning engaged in more physical activities, such as preparing for welders and other technical assistants. After lunch, she would draw for several hours, allowing her to recuperate slightly so she could get back to sculpting later in the day.
***************************change of subject********************************

holy crap, I almost forgot The Squirrel!  And I know that's why you're here after all.

Today I was driving into the studio and saw a pink balloon with a note about a garage sale.  Well these can be particularly interesting in an industrial park so I headed in and found two young gals who make children's clothing- and got a pirate hat and tee shirt for the 6 year old and a mermaid and hula costume for the 3 year old-  she will faint with excitement and I made two new friends I never knew were there!  Walking back to my own studio was a parked white van and I got the most interesting shots of a peeling paint job on the back doors:

Cool, eh?  Love how it looks metallic while it was basically gray on white.  Sticking it in the 'someday' file.

Letting him lie...  he sleeps halfway under my metal table.

Leaving tomorrow on that Jet Plane for Christmas Revelries with the family.  Ollie is coming with us because he still fits in the carrier and can' be left alone for the duration.  He will try to shred my grandkids but we will intervene.  Today has been good, no poop in the house (yet) and he has started telling me when he has to go out.  Fingers crossed he can build on this...  Sigh.
                                                                    It's Sew Sandy!
Going to have to skip a few days but since the last skip was 10 months I guess you expected it.  Be back soon.

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