Posted more for myself than any readers...
I go back and forth between wanting to be abundantly simple and maddeningly complex.John BaldessariRIP John Baldesarri
Baldesarri is my art hero-been around for a very long time, but recently died. Don't know what I will do without his influences! Take a little YouTube tour of him and his work. I especially like this link narrated by his friend Tom Waits. Double Whammy!
Want more? Check out Austin Kleon's BLOG (and buy a few of his books while you're there- invaluable and easily digested about him, some of his 'rules' and how he broke them. In short (or in fact tall!) he will be missed greatly.

Today's Ahhhht Lesson,
well, maybe not ahhht for everybody, you be the judge:
That’s not a giant glazed cake you’re looking at: The Growing Pavilion, which was created for Dutch Design Week is constructed with mycelium* panels. Set on a timber frame, the panels are grown from mushrooms and then covered in an organic sealant originally developed by the Inca people. Cattail reeds comprise the floor and the interior and exterior benches are made using agricultural waste, for a fully eco-friendly structure.
* mycelium: the vegetative part of a fungus or fungus-like bacterial colony, consisting of a mass of branching, thread-like hyphae. The mass of hyphae is sometimes called shiro, especially within the fairy ring fungi.

microscopic view
Gotta run, Ollie has picked today to chew up all my cookbook covers. And I just finally got rid of the last few ruined cookbooks from my last go at puppies some 35 years ago. I covered them all with the sheet of wallpaper they pulled completely off a hall while we had our backs turned- stripping wallpaper is apparently very silent). One tiny corner was sticking out and they took regimented turns pulling it with their teeny teeth at such and angle that it came down whole. Made good book covers, sigh. Today's mission, if he chooses to accept, is to hit the studio with a tub of cubed chicken so he falls in love with our trips there. As if.
Remember to recruit a friend to come to a Muse try-out. I am still looking for the Muse and perhaps you know of one that's feral or underemployed?
Barely Sewing Sandy
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