“The greatest need of our time is to clean out the enormous mass of mental and emotional rubbish that clutters our minds and makes of all political and social life a mass illness. Without this housecleaning, we cannot begin to see. Unless we see, we cannot think.” —Thomas Merton
So, in response, here is my plan:
Mouse Clean-up Crew
Whoever thought your next art lesson would be in a kayak?
Ahhhht Lesson

Whoever thought your next art lesson would be in a kayak?
Ahhhht Lesson

Ontario-based photographer Stephen Orlando is fascinated with human movement and uses programmable LED light sticks attached to kayak paddles, people, racquets, and other objects to translate that movement into photographic light paintings. The act of recording motion on the surface of water surrounded by reflections creates a surprisingly unique effect, almost sculptural in nature. You can see many more photos in his kayaking, canoeing, and swimming galleries.
So, back here IRL, I am getting ready for 6 guests coming on Thursday. I am flumoxed for meals, don't know 2 of them very well so am planning for some of the idiosyncrasies I am used to here with food choices. Today TY went WITH me to the Farmers Market and was basically no help at all. When I saw things I was going to get he argued, when I had a plan he took out his granades and bombed the- thinks for breakfast w should just put out a big platter of cold cuts, I tried to veto but will simply forget the damn cold cuts. He bought us both a GIANT almond pastry that was amazing but would have served me for 2 days. At the end of that aisle he bought a half sour pickle on a stick (and ate it), then he had a jalapeño empanada. I thought he had to be done but off he went to the guy with thirty kinds of jerky so bought some of that too. Finally, in the last aisle he found a couple of Venzuelan guys frying up Arepas. OMG, cannot believe he went through that too!
Unfortunately he also wants to hit Costco with me tomorrow but I am really not interested in the way he shops- never a whole aisle, back and forth and weaving in and out, turning around, then taking three things I do not want, can not use, and want to leave in the parking lot. Meanwhile I am methodical, have to see every aisle and cherry pick the things that I can use and things that don't come in sets of seven. If I can I will simply sneak out and go there and give him a list to pick up other places.
Back when I was teaching a lot more regularly a student told a story about how Japanese wives call their retired husbands 'wet leaves'. I didn't understand until they told me how the leaves blow up against you and stick and you can't shake them off!
OK, so yesterday I was in the studio for a good long stretch because the doggie stayed home, probably still digesting all the crap he picked up from my floor. He found my tub of stencil brushes and had his way with them, thought they would look better BALD. They don't. ANYway, a day without Ollie is a day to accomplish stuff. And I did:
All the reverse appliqué is finished and now the grape leaves are pinned, and I am going to only sew the veins so they flop around a bit. I still have a few more to do, but I want to get these sewn before I start all the grapes. I am seriously contemplating using big stitches and doing the leaves by hand. They are all lined with green so when there is a flash of 'wrong side' it looks ok. The gray rows on the bottom are the porch floor and it will be covered in smashed grapes. I know, I know, I have already gotten the WTF messages loud an clear. Hang in there with me for a bit. I also know the edges may be problematic... Somehow the answers will magically appear. They always do, and after all I have been in progress on this one since 1999. (Like this morning I decided to lop off the 4 corner blocks, genius!)
Sew, off I go to put away groceries from the market and make new lists for when I can get away by myself... Sewwhat Sandy
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