Sunday, February 23, 2020

explanative populously windy

You know that tingly little feeling you get when you really like someone you've just met? That's common sense leaving your body.

Yes, I have most certainly used a lot of salt and pepper this weekend.
And dish detergent, and laundry soap, and and and.  We crammed 6 additional people in for the weekend and had a great time except that we had to take 2 cars anywhere we went.  An if we did go somewhere it was the absolute height of the season and we had to wait to get in.  The other problem is that it was COLD here in South Florida the whole time.  The pool was heated so the kids got to play but my 6 AM walks with Ollie-the-Great were pretty much torture.  So, I just took the eighth load of wash out of the dryer and am declaring myself done for the day.  Stick a fork in it, I'm overdone.

Big doin's this week, tomorrow I am jurying a little show, a wonderful change from cleaning up the disaster area that used to be my house!  Both before and  after the jury, I need to be at the studio, trying desperately to finish SOMETHING instead of just starting new projects willy nilly.

Then, on Tuesday (H)Ollie(wood) is getting 'a procedure' done that hopefully will help him adapt to human world from being a bully puppy.  Yup, he's getting neutered and they will also take out some of his baby teeth since the big ones are now grown in and his mouth looks like a shark with double rows of teeth!  Poor little thing.  We will have to keep him quiet for two whole weeks, I cannot imagine how!  Oh yes I can-  Benedryl.

So, I have explained my absence  and my immediate schedule for the week, and we are all bored to death.  SO, my loyal reader (Yeah, singular 'cause I know I am yammering to myself most of the time.) so... here you go with your

where we meet somebody doing something cool out there in the Big World: 

We don’t recommend getting near Kate Jenkins’s breakfast spread before you’ve had your morning coffee, or you might find yourself biting down on a bagel full of yarn. The British crochet artist creates fiber-based foods that bear a striking resemblance to their edible inspirations. Jenkins has a particular affinity for baked goods: her recent spreads include bagels and lox, whole grain bread loaves, and individual fruit tarts. The artist creates every last detail down to tiny caper berries, thinly sliced red onions, and kiwi and poppy seeds made from black beads.

Jenkins learned to knit and crochet as a child in Wales, and shares in an artist statement that she has always been fascinated and inspired by everyday objects and experiences. In addition to her culinary crochets, Jenkins trained and worked for many years as a knitwear designer in the fashion world. Keep up with Jenkins’s freshest bakes on Instagram, and purchase artwork in her online store.

I just love finding people who do creative things with everyday materials and techniques.  Who woulda ever thought one could crochet salmon and cream cheese on a bagel?

Wish me luck tomorrow, I'll tell you all about it...  oh, I can't.  Well, how about I tell you about the weather tomorrow?  Thanks for letting me vent, More soon.  Keep in touch.

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